Over the years, the Harare Mayor’s Cheer Fund, the charitable arm of the Harare Mayor’s Office, has embarked on various fundraising initiatives to meet the needs of the 56 homes under its care.

This year has been no different. After having completed a needs assessment, the Fund began an exercise to identify activities to raise funds to meet these needs. To date, the Fund has hosted a successful High Tea and Golf Day which raised over $18,000 and has recently completed one of their disbursement rounds to some of the homes.
In view of bringing the Harare community together, to make a difference, the Fund will host its inaugural Totem Fundraising Dinner on the 17th of August 2017. This event will be themed, “Ubuntu -I am because we are”, and will aim to raise $20,000 towards subsistence, clothing and education. The Totem Dinner will be a cultural networking event targeting the corporate world, individuals and the donor community at large to share Zimbabwe’s various totems and culture associated with them for a worthy cause. Artists such as Albert Nyathi will entertain the guests as they enjoy some of the delicacies of our Zimbabwean cuisine. The dress code for the dinner will be “Afro Chic, celebrating African print fabric and African inspired accessories”.

The Board is excited about not only creating a networking platform to enhance the Zimbabwean culture, but more importantly, the impact the funds raised will have on the lives of the individuals supported by the Fund.

To book your ticket for the dinner, purchase a table, or to make a donation, kindly contact Rongina on 0732 198 782, or Varayidzo on 0715 456 124 or email [email protected]

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