There are few things that can unite a community, a nation or a population more than the common passion for a beloved sport. In Zimbabwe, that sport is cricket. Has been since the birth of the country. And thanks to the tireless efforts of those involved in Zimbabwe Cricket, the passionate tradition of cricket will not waver.

Kenyon Ziehl and Robin Brown sat down with us to highlight some exciting developments in the world of Zimbabwe Cricket.

Revitalisation of Zimbabwe Cricket

In the past several years, Zimbabwe Cricket has seen some executive changes that have encouraged many cricket fans about a real revitalisation of the sport on all levels. Tavengwa Mukuhlani is at the helm as Chairman, and there are several new faces on the board who are working hard to re-energize the organisation. With Heath Streak as the new coach of the national team, Zimbabwe has enjoyed recent successes on the pitch. The win in Sri Lanka in the ODI, 3-2, as well as the solid performance in the test has resulted in positive vibes among players and fans alike.

The trickle-down effect of these positive vibes is plain to see in the enthusiasm of Zimbabwe’s cricket players from junior school to 1st Class Cricket.

Training, Coaching and Development
Zimbabwe Cricket coaches work tenaciously to promote cricket in their respective provinces by assisting junior and senior school coaches throughout the country. These coaches hold seminars that educate the coaches, the scorers and the umpires, as well as the boys and girls who love to play the game.

These provincial coaches also hold age-group festivals and trials; they select teams and arrange fixtures between schools. When we are enjoying watching a good game of competitive cricket, we must remember that it is largely in thanks to the dedication of these coaches, groundsmen, schools, parents, clubs, administrators and, of course, the players, who give so freely of their time. In the face of economic adversity, these programmes carry on, often just for the love of the game.

The cricket career hopes and dreams of our young cricketers, boys and girls alike, can be realised and is being encouraged at all levels by these committed leaders.

The International Scene
Recently, with in-house funding, plus some sponsorship and grants from the ICC, some Zim teams have had super opportunities to travel and compete in countries like Australia, India, West Indies, Kenya, RSA and Namibia. The Zim under-19 side is currently touring Australia and India in preparation for the 2018 World Cup in New Zealand. Women’s cricket in Zimbabwe is also on the rise, opening up new doors to our girls.

The first test match between Zimbabwe A and the West Indies will take place from 21-25 October at Queens Sport’s Club in Bulawayo.

You can follow Zimbabwe Cricket at or Facebook @downforcricket.

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