Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?

Apart from being a styling platform, my blog is centred on showcasing fashion designers from Zimbabwe while incorporating a financially friendly way to wear clothes through thrifting for second hand clothes.

I started my blog about 3 years ago and it has been a really exciting journey. I also mainly do my photoshoots in the city of Harare, which is an idea my boyfriend, Zash Chinhara, came up with. He had a vision of showcasing our beautiful city in all my blog posts because he felt Harare was taken for granted.

At first, I was a little sceptical about the whole idea but I went along with it and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. I’m now also of the opinion that we do take the beauty of Harare for granted because it really is magnificent.

Can you describe what blogging means to you?

Blogging used to mean something totally different when I started. In the beginning, it was about putting content out and that was it, but I recently discovered I was really inspiring other young people that you can do what you think is difficult and actually make a difference in ways you couldn’t even imagine. So I guess now it’s more about inspiring people.

Describe your ideal reader/ the ideal subscriber to your blog?

I honestly do not have an ideal person for my blog. I’d say it’s for anyone that has an interest in Fashion and loves the city of Harare or anyone that has never taken a chance to notice how magnificent our city is.

How did you first get into blogging and what were your thoughts on blogging in
Zimbabwe at the time?

I got into blogging because of my Zash and our core worker, Gwinyayi Mabika. It was a thing they wanted for our company (Crafted Media) at the time, for me to challenge myself and because I also love fashion they insisted I venture into blogging. I didn’t really know the about the state of blogging in Zimbabwe so it took some time for me to understand it a little and honestly it hasn’t been easy because I started getting recognition outside of Zimbabwe and from other fashion houses that wanted me to feature them on my platforms. Zimbabwe hasn’t been the friendliest of places when it came to importing goods to feature so that has been a really difficult part of this journey because one wants to start making money from other clients and to also expand my reach. Hopefully, this will change soon.

How have you managed to remain consistent in creating content for your blog and how have you managed to maintain an authentic blogging style and voice?

It has been difficult. The issue with most design houses based in Zimbabwe is that they don’t see the need to pay for content creation, so I ended up opening my little online store called Vintage Hippo (you can find it on Instagram). This now gives me free reign to feature my own products, so that’s how I keep the content coming.

Can you share with us some of your strengths that you think were instrumental in establishing your blogging career?

What I would consider a strength is really that I just took a leap of faith and started blogging. Also, it does help that I am a professional Graphic Designer for our media house, Crafted Media, and we have facilities for Photography and Videography in the company so I take advantage of that blessing.

How would you describe your blogging style?

My blogging style is really me talking to my followers, almost like it’s a one-on-one kind of thing. It’s like I am writing out a conversation I had with someone.

How has blogging shaped the person you’ve become today?

Blogging has made me a little stronger and more confident in myself. I can tell you for sure that the lady I was a few years ago would not even imagine being the woman I am now.

Tell us about your proudest achievement within your blogging career?

My proudest achievement was realising that I am actually making an impact out there. When someone reads my blog, they get inspired to start their own or to take control of their lives, too. Because of my Instagram page, I am more interactive and I take my followers through every single day of the week, from when I wake up to go running and how I also workout at the end of the day. I do all this to show that it’s possible to take care of yourself and feel great. I was a little bit bigger a few years back and I feel like I didn’t have anyone to tell me I could achieve the body, health and confidence that I had always dreamed about, so now I am doing that for other people who might need that sort of encouragement.

Who has impacted you most in blogging and how?

The phenomenal Freddie Harrel, because his style sense is amazing and inspiring.

Any final thoughts you’d like to share with our readers?

Honestly, do NOT ever think you can’t change your life. Take a leap of faith, anything is possible. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. You’re phenomenal!

Follow Chiedza on Instagram: @diaryofsmurfdinkie and to keep up with her vintage style on the streets of Harare follow her blog

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